The Dry Peoples Club - Akron, Ohio

The Build Breakdown

The Dry Peoples Club is a non-profit organization in Akron, Ohio that serves as both a meeting location and a diner. When we met with The Dry Peoples Club for the first time they explained that they were having some issues with their Google Business Listing being linked to another organization and wanted to establish a presence online. They asked us to create a website that fixed the Google Search problem while allowing them to showcase their Diners menu and their membership benefits. So we did just that.


Google Business Page

One of the biggest issues Dry Peoples Club was having was the fact that their business wasn’t showing up on Google.

Every time you searched their name, another business would pop up. PlumBum Content Creation made it a priority to get this issue fixed and ensure they were the ones coming up.

After our efforts, their business listing comes up when you search their name.


Downloadable Menu

Before PlumBum Content Creation constructed a website for Dry Peoples Club, there was no online menu available for customers.

We built a full menu page as well as offered two full images and a downloadable version of the menu for their customers.

Not only does this allow for customers to view the menu ahead of time, but it also saves on paper costs for the restaurant as customers can now view their menu online instead of having to have a paper printout.


Meeting Room Rental

One of the benefits of the Dry Peoples Club is the fact that it has a meeting room for rental. This was one of the things we found out during our consulting sessions and is something we knew we wanted to highlight on the website.

We added the option for people to inquire about the room rental as well as a section focused on how to become a member. These added options helped Dry Peoples Club add more revenue streams.


Other Cool Things

We did our best to go the extra mile for The Dry Peoples Club on every front of this website build. In that, we added a few additional things to make their website pop. This included both a Donation Button and New Menu Photos.

  • Since Dry Peoples Club is a nonprofit, we wanted to ensure people could get information on how to donate. We added a “Donate Now” button that can be added to their PayPal account and is currently routed to their “Contact Us” page.

  • Before we created the website there, the only photos of their food was located on their social media. PlumBum Content Creation knew these needed to be highlighted on the website though so we added high quality photos to the “Home” page and “Menu” page of the website.